Heidi Montag is one of the sexy white girls who got famous on reality-TV. She was first seen on Laguna Beach, as a costar of Lauren Conrad, or LC. She got really popular on MTV's The Hills, where she lived with Lauren, and got engaged to Spencer Pratt. The two friends had a major falling out, which is unfortunate because they are both sexy white girls with a lot of potential. Heidi Montag is now an aspiring singer and has a clothing line coming out called Heidiwood. There are many Heidi Montag lovers and haters, but we love her, just as we do all our other sexy white girls.

Heidi Montag New Single
Heidi Montag The Hills Actress
Heidi Montag Boob Job
Heidi Montag Bikini Pictures
Heidi Montag New Song Naked



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